EDGE Certification

The EDGE criteria system according to IFC (Member of the World Bank Group, the largest global development organization focusing exclusively on the private sector in developing countries) is a system for evaluating buildings that use resources efficiently, helping to save energy, water and energy used to produce building materials, thereby helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

This system has now been recognized and applied in many different countries around the world, including Vietnam. In addition, EDGE is also considered simpler than the LEED standard.

EDGE Certification Classification

EDGE certification is divided into three main levels, which must meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Level 1: EDGE Certified

Save energy, water and embodied energy from materials by 20% or more.

  • Level 2: EDGE Advanced

Be certified with an on-site energy savings of 40% or more.

  • Level 3: Net Zero Carbon

Be certified with EDGE Advanced and achieve 100% on-site or off-site renewable energy, or purchase carbon offsets to reach 100%. All energy, including diesel and liquefied petroleum gas, must be taken into account.

3 Cap Do Chung Chi Edge
3 Cap Do Chung Chi Edge