Green materials have recently gained significant attention, especially as both the export market for construction materials and the green building market in Vietnam are experiencing speedy growth. 

With certifications such as Green Labels and Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs), construction material products have broader opportunities in the export market to developed countries and a higher chance of meeting some criteria in green building rating systems. 

Recognizing the complexity and challenges involved in obtaining green labels and EPDs, Vilandco has developed a certification registration process tailored for construction material manufacturers and suppliers. Our aim is to simplify the process, helping businesses embrace sustainability in their products, demonstrate environmental responsibility, and gain a strategic advantage in both the domestic and global construction material markets. 

Currently, Vilandco provides the following green material certification services:

Green label – EPD 


Green Label Singapore is Singapore’s environmental certification program, managed by the Environmental Management Group (EMG) under the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of the Ministry of Finance of Singapore.


Singapore Green Building Product is administered by the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) of Singapore. BCA is the agency responsible for developing and administering standards and regulations related to sustainable construction in Singapore.

EPD Certification Consulting


EPD, (Environmental Product Declaration) is an international tool and standard used to measure and declare the environmental impact of products and services. EPD comes from a series of standards and guidelines developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), in particular ISO 14025 and ISO 14040/44 – standards for life cycle assessment and environmental product declaration.

With EPD, building material manufacturers not only ensure that their products comply with sustainability requirements, but also help customers satisfy a number of criteria in green building rating systems such as LEED, BREEAM or Green Star, thereby significantly increasing their competitiveness compared to other products on the market.

ISO 14064 – 1 Standard Consulting – Greenhouse Gas Inventory


ISO 14064 is an international standard for greenhouse gas (GHG) management and reporting. Developed by ISO, the standard consists of three parts, in which Vilandco provides certification services for ISO 14064-1: defining and establishing the basic principles and requirements for greenhouse gas management and reporting in organizations. ISO 14064 is widely used globally to support organizations and projects in managing and monitoring greenhouse gases, helping to measure, report and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, thereby contributing to global efforts in controlling climate change and protecting the environment.

LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) 


Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a method of determining the environmental impact of a product, project, or process throughout its entire life cycle. Conducting LCA provides fundamental information to improve environmental performance, optimize resource use, and drive sustainable decisions and actions. For green building rating systems, LCA is an important method for helping projects meet and score points on a number of criteria.